Theory x and theory y leadership pdf downloads

It became very popular in the field of hr and it was a model that helped shift management from the negative paradigm to a positive spin. In his theory about management attitudes at two opposite poles mcgregors theory x and theory y, he never intended to indicate that x was bad and y good, nor that any leader should find a spot between the two and set up camp. You may, however, find that you naturally favor one over the other. He was a strong supporter of theories x and y, and he put theory y that people want to work, achieve and take. Deming went to japan just after the war to help set up. Professor douglas mcgregor highlighted that there is a significant relationship between motivation and leadership among people. In the 1960s, douglas mcgregor from mit came up with the theoryx and theoryy to describe styles of managers. Douglas mcgregor is a social psychologist and applied two sets of assumptions to the organizational structure called theory x and theory y. Theory x managers assume that workers are lazy, will avoid responsibility, and prefer to just get. Understanding management and leadership styles checklist 256 introduction.

To those who have worked as leaders in the past, it is no surprise that maturity should be considered when working on finding the right leadership style. What is the difference between mcgregors theory x and. A pure theory y approach can work in exceptional circumstances, when almost all workers are totally dedicated to the task at hand. The development and validation of the theory y leadership dispositions instrument by patricia krumnow b. In this article, we are going to talk about the major differences between theory x and theory y. Theory x, theory y by douglas mcgregor is a motivation theory. Participative leadership free rein leadership theory x. Theory into practice abraham maslow viewed mcgregor as a mentor. In general, theory x style managers believe their employees are less intelligent, lazier, and work solely for a. In his 1960 book, the human side of enterprise, douglas mcgregor proposed two theories by which to view employee motivation. Be careful with it now because i will not bear this messy work like you did the last time. Differences between theory x and theory y difference between. Pdf leadership style and organizational performance have been researched extensively.

Many have categorized theory x as an autocratic type of leadership and theory y as democratic style. The required management style in this model would be authoritarian and hard. I like mcgregors arguments partly because they can be applied to all sorts of situations from the dawn of human history. In 1960, douglas mcgregor formulated theory x and theory y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals employees. Theory x and theory y theory x and y comparison theory y theories in the 21st century the average theory y manager makes an effort theory x and y are often studied as a prelude to developing a better understanding towards management concepts applies self control and self. Douglas mcgregor has developed a theory of motivation of the basis of hypotheses relating to human behaviour. Both of these theories begin with the premise that managements role is to assemble the factors of production, including people. Effective managers basically have an optimistic view of human naturetheory y. Generally, theory x style managers believe their employees are. Leadership traits include physical or background traits, personal or ability traits andor task or social traits such as. Managers assumptions about the behaviour of people are central to this.

Perception of management toward the employees in the banking industry of bangladesh. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Difference between theory x and theory y with comparison. Older, strictly hierarchical conceptions of c2, with narrow centralization of decision rights, highly constrained patterns of interaction, and limited information distribution tend to arise from cultural and organizational assumptions compatible with theory x.

Theory x management style generally get poor results compare with managers use theory y, which produces better performance and results, and allows people to. He avoided descriptive labels and simply called the theories theory x and theory y. Theory x assumes humans inherently dislike working and will try to avoid it if they can. Theory x and theory y also have implications in military command and control c2. The idea that a managers attitude has an impact on employee motivation was originally proposed by douglas mcgregor, a management professor at the massachusetts institute of technology during the 1950s and 1960s.

Mcgregor argued that theory y controlling does not indicate a soft approach. Theory x is related to an authoritarian style of management that assumes that employees are inherently lazy and work averse. The x y theory questionnaire page 1 of 2 indicates whether the situation and management style is the x or y style. However, the literature has a limited number of studies concerning organizational performance of small and medium businesses, even less research on the impact on organizational performance of theory x and theory y type leadership styles. According to douglas mcgregor, there are two categorizations of what motivates people. Theory x and theory y are theories of human work motivation and management. Strengths and weaknesses of theory y and theory x leaders. Mcgregors theory x and theory y are theories about human behavior and motivation in the organization that was published in 1960 by douglas mcgregor. Small business aykut arslana, selva staubb, a,b halic university, sishane, istanbul, 34420, turkey. Articulate committed decisive determined leadership is a process in whic educated energetic integrity. The relationship between mcgregors xy theory management. Theory x and y created by mcgregor has been a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques.

Introduced by douglas mcgregor, theory x and theory y talk about the diverging views that exist about how organizations function. According to mcgregor, the function of motivating people involves certain assumptions about human nature. Posts about theory x theory y written by biz psycho. Motivation, theory x and y, classroom, management manager and organisation introduction douglas mcgregor, an american social psychologist, proposed his famous theory x and y in his book the human side of enterprise in 1960. His work showed that thoughts and beliefs might influence behavio. The two theories are sets of propositions and beliefs about human nature. Introduction theory x and y was developed by douglas mcgregor, a social psychologist in 1960. First proposed by mcgregor in 1960, theory x and theory y are two of the most famous innovations in organization development to come out of the mit sloan school of management. Leadership style and organizational performance have been researched extensively. Chapter 6 herseyblanchard situational leadership theory specifically, this theory has to do with the maturity of those who are being led.

Mcgregor developed a philosophical view of humankind with his theory x and theory y in 1960. The next section of the chapter is devoted to an account of the characteristics that a. Drive by daniel pink is fascinating he takes us back to the work of harlow more famous for his surrogate monkey mother experiments, mcgregors theory x, theory y, and type ab theory. Edwards deming w edwards deming was an american statistician who is associated with the rise of japan as a manufacturing nation, and with the invention of total quality management tqm. Get an answer for what is the difference between mcgregors theory x and theory y and maslows hierarchy of needs. Theory y, on the other hand, states that work is natural. Understand the contrast between the two theories or completely different styles of management and learn how you can apply this in your organizational context. System theory, institutional theory, discourse analysis, social identity theory, etc. I would like to apply the same theories in education describing. Theoryx and theoryy management applicationbusiness implications for workforce motivation. Theory y, on the other hand, presents a positive view of human.

Theory x assumes that there is a centralization of authority and very tight control over the employees, but theory y says that the authority should be decentralized and that should be leniency in control. Features of mcgregors theory x and theory y of motivation. Het resultaat van deze theorie is dat managers een autoritaire stijl aannemen en dat. Pdf theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its. Pdf theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and. Participative leadership free rein leadership theory x theory y theory z 1 from bse 503 at missouri state university, springfield. In the 1960s, social psychologist douglas mcgregor developed two contrasting theories that explained how managers beliefs about what motivates their people. It is important to note that both theory x and theory y are based on the argument that there are specific approaches to managing people based on their traits. Theory x and theory y are two simplified versions of widespread attitudes about leadership and management. Theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its. Xteacher and theory yteacher aboluays anas musings. Comparative analysis of theory x, theory y, theory z, and theory. The notions were developed by douglas mcgregor back in the 1960s in a book he titled the human side of enterprise.

Mcgregor argued that these assumptions fall into two broad categories theory x and. But in both cases it seems that the managers would still retain a great deal of control. Either theory x or theory y assumptions may be appropriate in a particular situation. Identify each managers comments about employees according to the theory x and theory y as given below.

In a nutshell, theory x states that people inherently dislike their jobs, see them as a necessary evil, are unmotivated, and must be externally controlled throughout the day by coercion, direction, or threat of punishment. One of these theories is that of douglas mcgregor from mit whose work on motivational theory in the 1960s resulted in his two contrasting models of workforce motivation known as theory x and theory y. Most managers will likely use a mixture of theory x and theory y. Theory x suggests that human beings have an inherent dislike of work and need to be controlled and directed if they are to achieve objectives. Learn about theory x and theory y proposed by mcgregor in 1960s and understand what management styles they encourage respectively. Theory z managers would have to have a great deal of trust that their. Get an answer for compare the theory x, theory y, and theory z assumptions of human relations. Douglas mcgregor believed that there were two types of managers. It then discusses another way of categorizing leadership styles, based on the leadership grid, and explores the view that a leader needs to use different styles in different situations. Identifying that some people may not have gotten the level of development assumed by theory y, mcgregor submits that those employees may require a structure of harder controls that a manager can ease as each employee progresses. Theory y maintains that human beings are active rather than passive shapers of.

Douglas mcgregor is the one who constructed theory x and y in the 1960s. Theory x and theory y theory x and theory y represent two sets of assumptions about human nature and human behavior that are relevant to the practice of management. Small business owners in the sishane lighting and chandelier district. Theory x represents a negative view of human nature that assumes individuals generally dislike work, are irresponsible, and require close supervision to do their jobs. In his 1960 book, the human side of enterprise, mcgregor proposed two theories by which managers perceive and address employee. Theory x suggests that people work for extrinsic reasons in other words, money. Theory x, theory y the mit campaign for a better world.

Dogan unlucan mcgregor theories x and theory y student. Explanation of fourteen points of management by edward deming. Control, achievement and continuous improvement achieved by enabling, empowering and giving responsibility. Theory x and theory y 875 assumptions about human behavior in organiza importance tions. This theory divides workers and managers in the organization in two typical groups according to how managers lead their subordinates and respectively how subordinates behave. You might, for instance, have a tendency to micromanage or, conversely, you may prefer to take a more handsoff approach. Application of theory x and y in classroom management by. This theory is linked to management and leadership, and assumes that. Leadership theories free ebook in pdf, kindle and epub. The development and validation of the theory y leadership. Theory x and y are 2 contrasting employee motivation and organizational development models developed by douglas mcgregor.

On the other extreme, theory y is diametrically opposite to theory x which shows the modern and dynamic approach to individuals and relies on the assumptions that are practical in nature. The role of the theory x manager is to coerce and control employees to work towards organizational goals. In his book, the human side of enterprise, he outlined a new role for managers. Theory x and theory y type leadership behavior and its impact on organizational performance. He reports numerous studies showing that altruistic behaviour can be tainted by financial incentives and. Theory x and theory y are wellresearched leadership principles. He summarized the findings of the hawthorn experiment by introducing both theory x and theory y. However, commentators and practitioners have often misinterpreted his ideas to assume exactly that. Theory x and theory y team management training from.

His theory is based on managerial views of human beings. Theorie x en theorie y zijn twee mensbeelden over het functioneren van. Technofunc mcgregors leadership theory x and theory y. Pdf application of mcgregors theory x and theory y.

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